Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dance Dance Dance


This is good training for the contra dance weekend in two weeks, but today, whew, was tough. An Insanity workout in the morning, an hour dance lesson early afternoon, shopping for three hours, and then nearly three more hours of dancing. Oh, I had fun! And I'm doing have of that again tomorrow, but in the evening instead of three hours dancing it will be three hours rehearsal. No, I'm not trying to slowly kill myself. Life does that all on it's own. I'm just enjoying as much of it I can everyday!

Oh, I should tell you something super duper cool!

I walked into the dance studio today and started talking with one of the owners and found out that she and her husband/co owner will be dancing with the Arkansas Symphony at their next concert. And I'm playing in that concert! WOW, what a small small world it is. Now we're both excited to see the other perform onstage. This studio, the Arthur Murray studio is a fabulous place. Everyone is really excited about dance and about their job. I've already made fast friends and hope to keep them because these are some fantastic and talented people!

Now that I'm back home for the night and barely able to walk, it's time for a long epsom salt bath and bedtime!!!! zzzzzzzzz

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