Friday, November 2, 2012

Fabulous Friends in Friday Harbor

Today has been quite the day, but yesterday was wonderful.

In a not too rainy Vancouver I got to enjoy lunch with friends, and go shopping at my favorite thrift store chain, Value Village. Of course I walked out with less money than I walked into the store. But I only bought things that I will definitely use and needed to replace and one gift for my mother :) Then it was a lovely dinner at a delightful pub before a late night of chatting and book reading.

After just over 2 hrs of sleep it was time to rise and get ready to leave today. I've learned to utilize coffee very quickly in the last few days. Had so many cups today I made myself sick, but I was able to stay awake on two separate hour and a half ferry rides as well as more than two hours of free time spent at terminals and bus stops and a 45 minute bus ride. At least today my travels weren't delayed for three plus hours and I arrived in Friday Harbor safe and sound and on time, although slightly ill and very tired. But I was super happy to see my friend there to pick me up and to go grab a nice beer and just enjoy having arrived in town.

Then it was time to go home :)  Spent the afternoon playing ping pong which left me super exhausted but dinner was delicious and rejuvenating and the company was more wonderful than could be asked. I'm so blessed to have such amazing and fabulous friends!  I'm so looking forward to spending the next few days with them and experiencing this area together.

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