Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I came across this article during my online news hunting and thought it worth sharing.

happy woman
What Makes Us Happy

After you read the article you might have some thoughts to share. Please do. I have some thoughts of my own, but would like you to read the article unhindered by my comments.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Little Things

Nothing new has really transpired since I last blogged, but in order to not keep you completely uninformed I decided to write about a few little things that made me happy recently.

One was a chat with a friend. I have lots of friends, but like most people, they are quite busy and are hard to keep up with via email, let alone anything else. But I recently got a short video chat with one and it made my evening. It's always good to have friends!

Another thing that cheered me was discovering a flaw I had missed in some paperwork and resolving it. Not going into details, but it's frustrating when you know something is wrong and you can't figure out what is wrong. Needless to say, finding and fixing it made me happy :)

Having a movie night with veggie burgers and indulging in some ice cream makes me happy. And to top off the food delight I was watching the movie with a friend which made it all the nicer!

Getting my violin bow rehaired is a blessing. It was time and things simply lined up perfectly and now I have new hair on my bow and I'm so happy to be sawing away on the strings again with a new and lively response.

Successfully working out and pushing myself as hard as I can and knowing at the end of the workout that I did my best. Then feeling the sweet soreness the next day reminding myself that I'm making my body better. It's a good feeling isn't it?!?!

Completing a big or overwhelming project is one of the nicest feelings. Recently I've been slaving away over my computer doing video editing. Literally spending hours and hours a day trapped under it's heat and never blinking gaze. Some people like that sort of thing but my body was craving activity and my mind was antsy for alternate stimulation. But, I stuck with it and achieved my goal and now I can feel accomplished that I completed the task :)

What has made you happy recently? Please share a story of your own with me!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Waiting Game

This is so tough. Waiting and waiting and waiting some more. What am I waiting for? To figure out something for this coming summer. Right now I have nothing absolute.

Waiting to hear back from Backroads, waiting to get my recording and demo finished for potentially more cruise work, waiting to hear back from potential music summer jobs, waiting for anything prior to finalize to make summer family and friend plans. Simply put; I'm waiting.

I much prefer working to waiting. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Last Concerts of the Season

Just a few concerts left to finish this year's orchestra season for me. The first is this weekend. It's an amazing concert with Brahms Symphony No.4 and the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto performed by Midori!


Come one, come all. If you ask me I can probably get you in for free. You definitely don't want to miss this one!!!


The other concert coming up the weekend after this is in Bartlesville OK with the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra. We'll be performing works by Beethoven, C.P.E. Bach, and more.

Come join us next weekend and support the classical arts!!



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Back in the Saddle

It's been over a year since my accident out in California. Here is a picture to remind you of my New Year's Eve in 2011. And no, I still don't remember any of it; just what my friend tells me. And I have no scar on my shoulder either, so it's just the lack of a few hours of my life and the pictures to remind me.


I've done some road biking since, but haven't hit the trails. Until this week!

A friend in the symphony in Little Rock found out I mountain bike and asked me to go riding. Of course I agreed and was excited to go back out on the trail.

So after a month of travel I returned to Little Rock and for the last three days we've been plowing through the pain, the exhaustion, the puddles and the rock gardens. It's been so much fun and I'm so glad to be back out there. Even doing Insanity workouts every day my body had forgotten how to be in mountain biking shape and I'm being brutally reminded :-/

But after everything, I've had the best time and today we stopped for a photo op at a beautiful covered bridge.

It's been a wonderful few days of hard riding and I'm getting back into the hang of things although my body is still trying to recover from the abrupt reminder of the single track. Hopefully the beginning of next week will provide one more opportunity to go out and hit the trail as hard as I can! 

And let's not forget the mud, blood and guts...ok, maybe just the mud :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A New Venture into the BACKROADS

Much has happened since my last post.

I went snorkeling. I went cave exploring. I went boating. I went ATVing. I got badly sunburned.  I went swimming on a nude beach. I had a surprise stay in NYC. I lost two potential jobs. I stayed up for nearly 3 days straight. I helped fall a tree and saw it into firewood with a bow saw. I improved my 5 mile runs to under 10 min/mi. I did my taxes. I lost an accompanist. I made new friends. I lost a friend.

Yes, lots has happened. And it all seems a blur and a whirlwind of insanity until now.

I am submitting my application to what I hope will be my job for years to come; a trip leader for BACKROADS. It's an outdoor vacation company and they're hiring trip leaders for hikes, biking trips, and more. Everyone (no, I'm not exaggerating) that I've talked about applying for this job has said this sounds like the perfect job for me; exactly what I'd be great at doing.

So with all my eggs in this one basket, I will either have a summer job or my life will go in some direction I can not possibly fathom at this time. Although I can imagine it won't be ideal for me.

So here's to hoping and praying that in the next few weeks (up to three), Backroads will read my application and reference letters and also agree with all my friends ~ that this is the job for me and then this summer I'll be who knows where doing who knows what with who knows who!

I couldn't imagine a better summer!!!