Monday, March 8, 2021

Another Carless Week Ahead

The good news for today is that I got a long walk (about an hour and a half) in, with Denny Crane happily perched in his backpack on my back. He got all the attention, per usual. I have ceased to count the oohs and aahs and looooks that I hear as people spot his adorable face peering out from behind my shoulder. The weather was nice and even though it was city streets filled with loud trucks and smog, I still enjoyed being out of the house and getting a little bit of exercise.

The bad news for today is that I am still carless and will be for the foreseeable future.

Finding a used and fairly priced (less than the price of a new one in the US) intake manifold for my car in Mexico is difficult! My car is ready to go except for that but another week of searching has ensued. Trying to find a way to purchase it in the US and have it muled down is just as pricey in the end and requires a lot more people involved with a lot more room for error and problems. What frustration.

So I'm trying to focus on writing and research and not reinjuring my back by jumping into Insanity too fast. Simple walks with a few short runs to try and get back into cardio.

This week may drag by without my car but hopefully I can find the motivation and discipline and energy (that's the big one) to get lots of writing done. I can hope. 

Hopefully I'll have really good news later in the week from my mechanic. For all of the well wishers out there, please send me a stroke of good luck. Can really use it right now!

Denny decided to sleep with his water bowl as a hat. Kind of looks like a dunce cap in a way. It's also kind of how I feel atm.
Can I just bury my head in my dish and everything will work itself out?


  1. Sorry about the car 😖 But “ohhhhh!” and “awwwww!” over Denny 😄
