Sunday, November 10, 2019

Moving Toward Mexico

The time is HERE. People occasionally ask if I'm really going through with it, like it's some kind of initiation or under the table risk. For real, I am moving to Mexico.

Understanding that I don't typcially think inside the box, I'll just put the remaining explanation here:

I moving to Mexico because why not.

There are pros and cons and the pros outweigh the cons. 

  1. Cheaper living
  2. Part-time desireable job lined up
  3. Tastier and healthier food
  4. Second language immersion
  5. New musical opportunities


  1. Furthur from my home if my parents need me.
  2. Expensive gasoline should I be driving around the country or city.
  3. Not knowing or understanding how things work like renting or job contracts.
  4. Far from the USA should I need something difficult to get or imported from the US.
  5. There isn't one.

There are actually a lot more pros I can think of than just those listed but even numbered lists are nice :)

I've lived in Asia and Europe and have traveled through Central and South America, but have never lived there. Moving to a new culture is always a bit of a whirlwind and gut punch all at the same time. Trying to function in a new language and new traditions and cultural expectations is daunting at best.

Yes, it's scary. Even after living in other countries and traveling many places in the Americas, it's still scary. I have no idea how much money I will be making. I don't know yet where I'll be living. I don't know a lot of anything about my immediate future.

But if I let all those unknowns turn into fear that keeps me planted in a routine of comfort and "stability", then I've lost. 

I'm here to win and taking this leap into the unknown will give me the opportunities to learn and grow and help others in more ways than I can now. 

Here's to the new adventure! To unlimited personal growth! To many more stories to share :)


  1. You’ve checked in with the embassy right?

    1. I'm not sure the purpose of your question. Text me specifics.

  2. Can’t wait to hear more about your life in Mexico! X

  3. Shit fire and save the matches,
    You rock❣️ Life is too long to live in fear “of”
