Thursday, March 11, 2021

Living on "Mexico Time"

I was truly hopeful that today I would have splendid news. But I am learning two things living in Mexico: time is of seemingly no importance and proactiveness is a crime.

It's frustrating to have to be the personal assistant to every business just to get what you need and keep it moving along. A great example of this is my mechanic. I truly believe he's a good guy and doing good work on my car, but man, if I don't badger him (I mean send 10 texts a day), I literally never have an update. There is no update, no receipt, no invoice, nothing. I finally showed up at the garage on Monday (it's about an hour and a half walk one way so I don't drop by often) and he seemed relieved I'd finally stopped by. I was confused since I'd messaged him for two weeks. Apparently he does business only in person. I finally got him to tell me that he was going to the junkyard today. But, you guessed it, he didn't send me a single message today. I have no idea if he went. I have no idea if he found my part. I have no idea if he didn't. 

Clearly, I'm out of ideas! LOL

It is so frustrating though. If I bother him too much he won't answer back. If I don't bother him enough, I never get any answers. ARG!

So anyway, I didn't want to badger him today since I was hoping he was out car part hunting and distracting him would not enable my cause. I guess first thing tomorrow I'll start back in and hope I get  a positive response.

Until then, I learned last night that I still have my college all night study abilities. Slept about 2 hours total and worked the rest on articles with lots of pauses for reading inspiration. Somehow, (I have absolutely no idea how), I had more energy today than normal. So I made a trek on foot to a local corner store and purchased some meat for Denny Crane. Yes, he loved it. That dog is spoiled. There was also fresh fruit: strawberries, mangos, nectarines, apples. I already have blueberries, pineapple, and watermelon. Now I have jars of cut fruit salads in the fridge for when I feel snacky. Delicious! The three people in the store also were entertained by Denny Crane (surprise!) and my vibram shoes. I think I'll be going back :)

Altogether: nectarines, apple, mango, bell pepper, strawberries, cilantro, meat for Denny Crane and some bacon for me - $13usd.
It's all fresh so I can't complain for that price!


  1. Yum! I really really miss the easy access to copious and varied amounts of fruits and vegetables I had when I was living down South.
    Don’t be the “crazy American” 😂 Do the busses run down there yet? Or are they still closed because of Covid? Uber? Do you have Uber, or it’s equivalents, in Guadalajara? I ask because, if he does prefer to only do business in person, as you said that he does, then maybe you will get better results if you go speak to him in person. Rather than texting or phone calls. I’m not saying it will be easy to get there, but I’m betting that if you go talk to him in person every 2-3 days, then the service your car gets will be better done and, be done more quickly.
    However you decide to deal with it, good luck!!

    1. It is a wonderful thing and without covid, I'd have access to the street markets that would be a wealth of so much more deliciousness.
      I don't know what the 'crazy American' is.
      Everything has been and basically is open in Mexico. The country didn't want to destroy it's economy so it has the 3rd highest death rate in the world, and that's without tests (even hospitals don't have enough for their staff and some patients). So, yes, the busses are running and they are packed. Uber is also running and I know someone who's aunt and uncle drove uber (while they had covid). The aunt and uncle are both now dead. I'm good walking...
      Regretting not bringing my bike. Bikes here are plastic and horrible quality. Trek bikes are twice the price as in the US, so I'm stuck. Looking forward to having my car again eventually.
